There’s no two ways about it – everyone loves a good bargain. When your vacation is at the corner and you’re searching online for a hotel in a haste, nothing can make you feel more accomplished than stumbling upon budget hotels that offer great deals.
What can be more alluring than finding a room for Rs 500 a night or a hotel that promises one night free? But if there’s a little voice inside your head that’s telling you to be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, listen to it. The sad truth is that most budget hotels that list rooms at unbeatable prices can only afford to do so because they are skimping on quality in some way. Whether that means hiring untrained people to man the front desk or instructing maids not to replace towels regularly, it’s a safe bet that your bargain hotel will be, well, much less than you bargained for. Nevertheless, it can still be tempting to take a risk and book that budget hotel room. As long as the bed is free of bed bugs and the shower works, you might think why waste money on Starred staying when you would need the hotel room only to lay your tired head at the end of day. Well, think again, a hotel room can make or break your vacation, and choosing the right one is almost as important as choosing the right destination.
Low cost comes at a Price
Although it might look nice to see that tiny dent in your pocket; but be warned: there are all sorts of hidden costs associated with booking a budget hotel room. It’s likely that many of them will never show up on your bill, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t pay for them in some way.A hotel room can make or break your vacation.
For example, bargain hotel rooms are much more likely to harbor all kinds of problems that only become obvious once you’ve checked in and unpacked. These might include faulty plumbing, malfunctioning heaters and air conditioners, compromised door security, pest infestations and many more. And these are just the things you’ll notice. Booking a budget room also risks exposing yourself to a room that may not have been properly cleaned in between guests. Unless you can be fully confident that your hotel’s standards of cleanliness matches yours, you will be sacrificing your peace of mind for the duration of your stay. Chances are that it’s not worth it, no matter how cheap the room.
The Service Problem
In the likely event that you do notice something amiss with your room, it’s highly possible that getting it fixed won’t be easy. Budget hotels are notoriously unresponsive – even contacting the right person could be difficult. But even if you do manage to reach the correct person or department, there’s a chance that you won’t find them particularly accommodating. Since their base rates are so cheap, bargain hotels often can’t afford to spend the money to fix the problems that easy. If you’re really unlucky, the hotel might find some way to leave you with the bill, and the last thing anyone wants is to find themselves arguing late at night with a stubborn hotel concierge about who should cover the cost.
More Airbnb Than Hotel
Budget hotels, and the people who book them, might take comfort in the fact that bargain rooms are at least a significant step up from Airbnb. After all, budget hotels are still hotels, which means that their employees do, at least in theory, have the training and accountability that hosts on Airbnb lack. But if you look beyond the label, it becomes clear that budget hotels usually have much more in common with Airbnb than they do with Starred hotels.
The Suite Experience
It true not all budget hotels are so unpleasant. You might get lucky and receive a room that lives up to all your expectations. But even in a fully operational state, your bargain hotel room may still put a damper on your vacation. That’s because no matter how luxurious and exciting your daytime activities are, it’s impossible to achieve the ultimate vacation experience with the knowledge that you’ll be returning to a dark, dingy hotel room at the end of the day. Starred hotels come with unbeatable service to ensure that your every need is met. Moreover, the incredible amenities that come with Starred hotel suites can completely transform a vacation from average to extraordinary!